10 de septiembre de 2010

Three of a perfect pair

She is susceptible
He is impossible
They have their cross to share
Three of a perfect pair...

He has his contradicting views
She has her cyclothymic moods
They make a study in despair
Three of a perfect pair...

One too many
Schizophrenic tendencies
Keeps it complicated
Keeps it agggravated
And full of this hopelessness
What a perfect mess...

He has his contradicting views
She has her cyclothymic moods
They make a study in despair
Three of a perfect pair...

One too many
Schizophrenic tendencies
Keeps it complicated
Keeps it agggravated
And full of this hopelessness
What a perfect mess...

¿Viste cuando una letra te identifica al 101%? Bueno, así.

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